Value investing is an idea that if you know the true value of something, you can save a lot of money if you only buy it on sale. In term of investment, value investing is a long-term investment strategy where investor seek stocks they believe the market has undervalued (market price is lower than the intrinsic value). Investors who use this strategy believe the market overreacts to good and bad news, resulting in stock price movements do no correspond with a company’s long-term fundamentals. Usually, a value investor would prefer to invest in only one company about more than 10 years. However, a smart investor should know that the technology nowadays could be replaced within a few years. Hence, certain companies may no longer be the favorable long-term investment. To overcome this issue, Mr. Tony Lim has created the “New Evolution of Value Investing Formula” to help in achieving long-term compounding growth of funds through stock trading and multiple company’s investments.
Do you feel tired of working extra hours or overtime (OT)?
Do you wish to change your life starting from this moment?
Do you want to generate passive income?
Have you acquired the financial knowledge for your financial success?
Are you ready for the investment era?
Learn from Tony Lim, who started investing with a little capital since he was a student to become an owner of two units of service apartments at his age of 29 through investment’s profits.
He shares ‘The New Evolution of Value Investing Formula’ to create insurance for every stock you are investing in. It consists of 21 powerful strategies to help you succeed in your stock investing.
Now, he is giving the tips on the methods of accumulating wealth through investment.
WCT inverviewing Mr. Tony Lim
Class Atmosphere
- Understand about market trend and how to take advantage on market cycle.
- Future stock trend forecasting by using chart pattern.
- Economic trend analysis by using fundamental method.
- Bull and bear market trend analysis methodologies.
- Stock market psychology and sector cycle analysis methodology.
- Knowledge and strategies you must know when coming to stock investing and trading
- Charties trading strategies
- Determining market entry by using indicator analysis methodologies
- Simple Reliable Analysis (SRA) – Completed set
- Value Box Trading System (VBTS) – Completed set
- Ultimate stock WINNING investing strategies
- Stock market psychology analysis
- Three types of stock real value (VBTS. 1, 2 & 3)
- SRA (ROI.1, ROI.2 & ROI.3)
- Capital Risk Tradeoff Level (CRTL)
- Best Capital Protection Leveraging
- Trading Psychology Surveillance System (TPSS)
- Ultimate Warrant Trading Strategy (UWTS)