About Tony Lim

Bachelor Degree of Property Management & Valuation (Hons) Author, Speaker, Trainer, Founder of several courses and training programs in Real Estate, Finance and Motivation

My Background

Mr. Tony Lim holds a Bachelor Degree in Property Management from University of Technologi Malaysia (Technological University of Malaysia) and several real estate qualifications from Singapore and Malaysia. Since 2009, Mr. Tony has received several awards and honours in his real estate’s career, such as Top Lister, Top Producer, and Top Manager. He developed an interest in calculating, analysing, investing and stock trading in his youth, eventually involving himself in the financial investment field. To-date, he possesses 14 years (as of 2019) of experience in the field. In 2011, he discovered his own stock analysis formulas, which are applicable to the stock market in Malaysia, Singapore, and United States of America. Then, he decided to share his knowledge, skills, and experience with more people and lead them to financial freedom. In 2012, he published his first best-seller “The Powerful Value Investing Formula”. The contents include Mr. Tony’s personal experience, value investing formulas, and the strategies of becoming a smart investor in investing and trading.

After receiving a certification of advance certified trainer in Singapore and Malaysia (ACTA), Mr. Tony started his education and teaching career path. He trained his students who engaged in the real estate business and financial investment field to master the related knowledge. The training enabled students to learn the strategies of kick-starting in the real estate business, meanwhile becoming a professional salesperson and a wise investor in the financial market through understanding the overall macro and micro economic, currency, monetary and fiscal policies that will affect the property and emerging market. Through his continuous effort, thousands of students have successfully shown their flying colour results in their specified fields. In 2014, he began to be the chief analyst, the columnist of “Global Business Magazine” and the professional speaker of MPH, POPULAR and HARRIS bookstore.

In 2016, Mr. Tony upgraded the company from Wealth Creation to WCT Worldwide Training and improved the quality of education. In recent years, Mr. Tony focuses more on stock and future classes teaching. In the meantime, he is invited to give a speech at numerous events, including Invest Fair, Trader’s Fair and FinanceWord. Currently, he is one of the columnists of “Money Theory” in China and now he is also one of the columnists of “Sin Chew Daily” and other newspapers. Tony Lim takes many roles and parts in finance and investment field actively. Tony is also invited to radio station to conduct a long-term on air sharing. He also became a regular invited guest of the radio station by sharing his meticulous point of view on the recent stock market and share price performance on a weekly basics.

In recent years, Tony has been invited to various major events that are outstanding in Malaysia and overseas such as Finance Word which is Malaysia largest Chinese sharing event, Invest Fair, Trader’s Fair, Millionaire Investor School event and Asia Cup sharing event etc. In some events, he plays an important role, namely the Keynote Speaker, also known as the the highlighted sharing speaker.  Not only that, by incessant effort and experience in stock investment, Tony has composed three best-selling books on finance and investment related topics, namely “The Powerful Value Investing Formula” in 2012 and “How to Build My Own Cash Machine Through Stock Investment” in 2016 and “The Key, Charting Your Path To True Success” in 2019. The first book “The Powerful Value Investing Formula”, reveals Tony Lim’s personal experience for many years in the stock market. The book contains the Value Investing Formula in stocks and the methods to become a savvy investor. While the second book “How to Build My Own Cash Machine Through Stock Investment”, reveals the knowledge and skills to perform stock trading effectively to create a “Cash Machine”. The third book “The Key”, reveals Tony Lim’s hidden formula for success in various fields which includes academic, real estate, finance and business. Apart from that, he adopted his own invented “The New Evolution of Value Investing Formula” to assist investors to succeed in stock investing, while showing that we must behold the positivity and always try our best to contribute to the society.

Tony truly understands that sharing can only help a portion of the people, while educating people to be action-oriented by combining theories and principles can help more people. Thus, he chooses to take action in assisting people, to let public from different ages and backgrounds to have at least some foundation understanding towards the financial market. Since 2018, Tony was invited by various universities, college and school to conduct education sharing. He personally approached and engaged the students and share his knowledge regarding the financial market with them. Contributing to society is a mission of WCT Worldwide Training and hence Tony also conducts some events which the entrance fees are contributed to the foundation fund and more to come.

In December 2019, under the leadership of Tony, WCT Worldwide Training won the 18th The Asia Pacific International Entrepreneur Excellence Award. It is not only a certification of outstanding brands; it is also known as the “International Business “Nobel Record”. It is subject to rigorous review by Asia-Pacific Outstanding Brands international committee members, and to ensure that their companies have significant achievements in independent brand construction, business management, corporate reform, and technological innovation, and have innovative development strategies and awareness of creating brand names. An honor that can only be obtained after passing the quality inspection and being affirmed. It is not easy to win this award. Of course, winning the award does not represent the end, it is a new beginning. It continues to encourage us to continue to make enthusiasm and continue to make good contributions to society. It is also an encouragement and gives us stronger energy. Let us take it to the next level and continue to remember our original intention.


Tony Lim ——创造财富国际培训中心 (WCT Worldwide Training)创始人,负责人,股票价值分析师,讲师,培训师和畅销书作者, 他毕业于马来西亚科技大学。  Tony于2013年开启了他的教学生涯。他开始在金融投资领域培训学生,让他们能掌握及学习有关领域的相关知识。迄今为止,透过不断地努力,他在金融和房产领域已培训了数百名优秀及专业的学生。 他们现在不仅在这个领域里带动了不少业绩,还是一位聪明的投资者。


Tony 于近期受邀至CityPlus电台进行长期的线上分享,同时也成为该电台的固定邀请嘉宾,于每个星期一早上对日前的股价和股市进行精细的点评。  近年来,Tony在马来西亚被受邀至各个数一数二的大型金融和贸易活动中发表演讲,其中包括了FinanceWord (全马最大型华文教育分享会),Invest Fair和Trader’s Fair(全马最大型英文教育分享会)等等。他在其中都扮演了极重要的角色,那就是– Keynote Speaker (主讲人),或可称为全场“最主要的分享嘉宾”。这些分享会都吸引了逾千人到场支持,进而显示与促进本地人对目前股票投资趋势和股市走向的了解及重视。


凭着多年来在股票界的经验及努力专研,Tony同时也升级为作者,于2012 和2016年个别撰写并出版了两本投资理财书籍,分别为 《The Powerful Value Investing Formula》,《How to Build My Own Cash Machine Through Stock Investment》以及《The Key》。


第一部作品 《The Powerful Value Investing Formula》主要记载了他多年的个人市场经验,股票价值方程式以及如何理解和成为一名聪明的投资者;而第二部作品《How to Build My Own Cash Machine Through Stock Investment》主要讲解有关如何有效地进行交易的知识和技能,以为生活创造出一个赚钱的机器。目前只有第一部作品可在MPH书局采购。三部作品均为英文版本,而华文版本也将在有朝一日另外发行。顺带一提,Tony Lim 也是Harris 书局的固定分享会嘉宾之一。除此之外,Tony采用了自己开发的“新一代价值投资方程式” 来帮助与确定无数在股票领域的投资者得以成功,间接也向外宣扬告诫做人要秉持着积极向上,竭尽所能的精神和行动来回馈社会。  Tony曾莅临由亚罗士打马六甲证券行有限公司(Malacca Securities)主办的《如何正确投资》讲座会,借由这难得的机会,为大众解答所有有关投资方面的难题,同时也提供投资新手一个最佳学习入场的机会。此次WCT跟 Malacca Securities两方的合作也被光明日报和星洲日报刊登与报导。


此外,Tony针对 2015财政预算案所发表的言论也有幸被刊登在被誉为亚洲最有影响力的企业品牌杂志——《商天下》中,一解大众心中对此预算案所存有的疑惑和疑虑。同时间,他也贵为《论金》金融杂志的固定分享嘉宾,长期被指定为分享专栏的作家,进而对投资市场进行精密的剖析。


Tony了解到有关分享只能帮助一部分人, 而教育人们采取行动把原理与理论改成行动又是另一个部分。因此,Tony选择以行动的方式来帮助其他人,借此让各个年龄层的大众对金融市场有基本或更深层的理解。在2018年7月份,Tony Lim受邀出席了在拉曼大学学院 (Tunku Abdul Rahman University College)和柔佛宽柔中学 (Sekolah Menengah Foon Yew)所举办的分享会,亲自到场与学生们分享金融知识及互动。值得一提的是,在柔佛宽柔中学的分享会中,除了宽中学生,这次的分享会还特地对外开放,让对金融股票有兴趣的大众也能报名参加,所有筹集到的入场费也一律回馈给该校当作建校基金。希望通过这次的配合,可以吸引更多的读者,制造更好的内容给读者,让大家一同受益。


2019年12月,在Tony 老师的带领下,WCT  Worldwide Training 更是荣获了,第18届亚太地区国际世纪企业家-精英奖。它不仅是卓越品牌的认证,更被誉为“亚太国际企业诺贝尔奖”。 它是由《亚太杰出品牌》国际委员进行严厉的审核,并确保所在企业在自主品牌建设、经营管理、企业改革、技术创新等方面有显著成绩,具备创新发展战略和创名牌意识。 通过质量检测并得到肯定才能获取的殊荣。因此荣获该奖项,并不简单。当然,获得该奖项的不代表结束,而是一个新的开始,它继续鼓励我们需要秉持着热忱,继续为社会进行良好的贡献,它也实为一种鼓励,给予了我们更强的能量,让我们再更上一层楼,继续莫忘初衷。


The way we read about wealth will determine the way we live our life. Tony Lim read wealth from various perspectives such as Family, Academy, and Career. To define the terms of “Wealth Creation”, we need to separate the TWO words to “Wealth” and “Creation”. To Tony Lim, “Wealth” does not refer to monetary term solely. It is a symbol of achievement from multi-dimensions such as Academy, Family, Spiritual, Career as well as Money.  A wealthy man who is rich in CASH does not mean he is living in a happy life or practicing a good personality.  A real wealthy man should be living a balanced life in all perspectives. Tony Lim will help us to create a TRUE wealth and enjoy the best life we could ever live! 
我们如何了解财富,将决定我们如何生活。Tony是从不同的角度来了解财富,当中包括: 家庭,学业和事业生涯。Tony的看法是,如果我们要定义“创造财富”一词,我们需要区分“财富”和“创造”。Tony Lim陈述“财富”并不是只看个人的财富来决定他是否富有,而是一个代表我们全方位富有的符号, 如: 家庭美满,宗教信仰,职业成功和财务自由。一个富有的人并不意味着他是一个幸福的人或是拥有着一个良好的人品。一个真正富有的人应该是全方位都得到平衡的成长。Tony将会帮助大家从全方位来了解什么是真正的富有意思, 以让大家都能过上美满的生活。

In The Dictionary of Tony Lim, There Is No Impossible, There Is Only Are We Willing To Work For It…
在Tony Lim的词典中,没有不可能,只有我们愿意去实现它吗…
